Thursday, November 4, 2010

14 weeks

It's been a busy week, and I haven't had much time for blogging, or sewing! I did finally take some pictures of the curtains though. I only had enough fabric to make cafe curtains if I wanted to do both windows, so that's what I did. It's just enough to cover the neighbor's window without blocking all of the light, so it worked out.

Look, I'm in there too! And it was a sunny day! Josh has been in eugene for work the last few days and I've been holding down the fort. Work and the animals and watching the election coverage pretty much took up all my time. We bought paint for the nursery, which I thought I'd have time to do while Josh was gone, but nope. My belly is still getting bigger (guess that's gonna happen) and it is starting to feel heavy. Other than feeling tired, I'm feeling very irritable, in a way that I know is just hormones, but it's pretty annoying. I know Josh is tired of it! I'm hoping this phase doesn't last very long. I keep using the "other pregnant women are probably WAY more crazy!" excuse, but I don't know if it's working. I also missed my yoga class this week because of work, which isn't helping any.
Looking forward to holidays, and heading to Austin next week! Can't wait to see everybody and hold a tiny baby.


  1. "I'm feeling very irritable, in a way that I know is just hormones, but it's pretty annoying". Obvs I've never been pregnant, but I know this feeling from PMS. I HATE it.
    But I do love your curtains!

  2. i'll second that about the curtains. super cute!
