Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My ears are ringing

Today Ade and I went to mom and baby yoga. The yoga part was fairly unproductive, but it was still fun. It was nice to see other babies at different stages and to get a peek of what's coming. Sitting up! Rolling over! High pitched screaming! Droooooling!

The adventure was a bit over-stimulating for her, and when we got home she cried for an hour and a half. Even a walk in the baby bjorn carrier didn't help, and that's my sure-fire calm down method. So I was just bouncing her while she cried and all of a sudden, she fell asleep. It was like this:


I actually laughed out loud! It was like she hit her limit and turned off. She's been asleep for a very lovely hour since then. Ahhhhh.


  1. Oooh.. An hour and a half is a long time! Glad she turned it off eventually. Maybe she pulled something while doing yoga?

  2. Yoga isn't fer everyone....maybe it's just not her thing? lol!
