It says 2 more days, but really it's 4 more til May 5th. I don't think it really matters at this point though. We made it to 40 weeks, which is awesome, because it means the Bloob is fully cooked and will have strong lungs and no worries. Right? I'm having more and more braxon-hicks contractions (we're started calling them contraptions, for fun), and I've been getting lots of good rest at night. Yesterday morning we went and soaked in a warm salt water pool, which really helped my pelvic pain, and it was just nice in general. We promised ourselves we would make it a habit to go back, we liked it so much. This is the pool.
It has jets in it too, so it's more like a hot tub when it's turned on. We went at 10 am, so it was still kind of cool outside, but getting sunny, and it felt so good to sit in the morning sun in the warm water! And, my maternity bathing suit still fits, so I was happy about that.
Today is 70 degrees and sunny, it's our first 70 degree day of the year! Josh and I did a bunch of yard work, then he just left to go to an afternoon painting seminar. Being out in the sun after this long rainy winter is so wonderful. It's what makes living in Portland bearable, the sun and plants just wipe away all that glumness so quickly. It looks like our blueberry bushes are going to be full this year, and we have a good plan for the garden beds, an herb garden on the deck, and a new sunnier spot for tomatoes. All you visitors will be a big help getting it done while you're here! You can carry the Bloob around the yard in the Ergo carrier while I sleep.
soon these will be bloobs! |
I also have my skinny (not swollen) ankles back today for some reason. I think it means I didn't drink enough water yesterday, but I don't care. Look at those bones and veins! I haven't seen them in weeks.
This plant is in our back yard, Josh said it's called a Bleeding Heart. Very appropriate name I think! It's so beautiful.
I've also been really enjoying our neighbor's cherry tree. They actually have two different kinds right next to each other, the smaller one bloomed white flowers a couple weeks ago, and now the bigger one is all pink. I wish we had one in our yard, but I'll just enjoy theirs from afar.
I took a picture of myself with the tree. I thought I was smiling, but apparently not. And by the way, this is pretty much the only outfit that fits me now, and I've been wearing it every day.
I was feeling sad that I don't have very many pictures of me being pregnant just doing stuff, so I was happy when Katie M. posted this picture the other day. This was last weekend at work. I want to eat all those doughnuts right now.
I'm going to get in the kitchen and make some food to freeze. It's supposed to be my project while I'm waiting though hours of early labor, but I'm going to start now. Then when Josh comes home, I'll say I'm tired and he'll wash all the dishes. He loves dishes!