Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The watermelon is in the nest!

I hope it didn't squish the baby birds. Also, I would like to eat a watermelon, in the warmth of the sun.
Contractions most of the day yesterday, off and on, but they stopped again last night. Just starting to have more again today, but still very mild. I guess this can go on for a long time, from what I've heard.
I'm running out of things to do and ways to entertain myself.


  1. Is "the watermelon is in the nest" some secret code for saying the intended target is in the suspected location? Like, you're going to bomb somebody? I don't know what sort of turn this blog has taken. *shakes head*

    Also, I think it's funny that the ticker calls your baby "fully baked." LOL! Secret ops, drug use...what's going on over here?!

  2. no silly, look at the baby ticker! the watermelon is in the bird's nest! josh and i kept waiting for the day the melon was in the nest.
    alos, our baby actually IS fully baked. soooo stoned right now….

  3. I bet they have watermelon at whole foods....
