Monday, June 20, 2011

6 weeks

Ms. Ada Blue is 6 weeks old today. A few weeks ago it seemed like this day would never come, time was just dragging and I was so tired and frustrated. Everyone was right though, it DOES get easier, and she really has stolen my heart. She's starting to be fun to interact with, and she making little bits of progress every day. Today she noticed her feet, and she was very interested in them for about a minute. She's smiling a bunch more, and even laughing a bit! She just seems like such a happy baby. She won't smile as much when I have the camera in her face, but I did manage to get a video today.


  1. Awww...she's such a sweetie! They grow up so fast! Wah!

  2. Does this thing count how many times I watch??? It might be embarrassing. Thanks Lisa for keeping us updated.

  3. I watched twice! I love how content she seems. Well, till Lisa and I try to have a phone conversation!

  4. i know al, she's bad about that phone thing! she wants me to be talking to HER not you. and mom, i don't think it counts how many times you've watched, so no one will know.
