Thursday, June 9, 2011

All the photos you can handle

I set up a flickr site today, for all of our photos. The link is
I'm adding the link to the side of the blog, so you can find it easily, but you should bookmark it on your computer!
We're getting into more of a routine at home now, so I'm hoping for more time to blog and put up pictures. The picture uploading process can be slow though, so I'm starting at the birth and working my way up to now.

Ada gave us her first laughs and smiles the other day, and Josh got some photos, as well as a video, although the video has one smile at the beginning and then it's back to her regular self.


  1. Holy crap. The cuteness! Man, I want to eat her up!

  2. She melts my heart and I am not even kidding!

  3. She is so precious, you guys! I could just snuggle her up!
