I can't believe she's two months old! And then again, I can. It's going by fast and slow at the same time. Josh took some time off this week just to hang out at home with us, since he was gone a bunch last week. It was REALLY nice, and it was sad when he went back to work on Thursday. This weekend is a three day-er though, thank you 4th of July! We had a whole bunch of doctor appointments this week, where we found out that we have a Super Baby. Her hearing is perfect, she weighs 11 lbs now, she's almost 23 inches long and her head grew an inch and a half since birth! We met her pediatrician (Dr. Pritchard) for the first time and we loved her. Dr. Pritchard said Ada's neck strength is amazing, and that her eyesight seems really great too, that she can see pretty far. She has also started chewing on her hand non-stop, and drooling all over everything.

Her hair is finally growing, so hopefully she'll lose that old man look soon and start filling in the sides. For now the top hair is kind of running the show, and the duck tail in the back is getting kind of long.
As for me, I'm feeling 100% again, so I've started trying to get some exercise during her naps. I've discovered that I am seriously out of shape. I think it's really going to take some work to lose the rest of the baby weight; more than just walks around the neighborhood. I couldn't even finish the workout DVD I did yesterday, and I am seriously sore today. Luckily it seems to maybe kind of be summer here now, so I can get out and get some outdoor exercise.
What a dollbaby!