Wednesday, March 9, 2011

32 weeks, or the week of sickness

Sorry for no blog posts this week, I have been on my death bed. Or the death couch really. I was so proud of myself for not getting this cold that was going around, and then it crept up on me soooo slooowwwwly, and now, hooray, 3 days of serious couch time. And of course it's my birthday week, and we're pet sitting Josh and Michelle's dog Sassy, and Josh is out of town for 3 days, and work is in all kinds of upheaval (employee-wise), and someone shattered our glass front door at work too. And all I can do is lie on the couch! Ugh.

So, maybe some basement pictures and sewing projects soon, but for now, just sniffles!


  1. No luck! I am ready to see the baby! How are the ankles?

  2. Oh, bad news about the work front door! That's sucks!! And everything else, too, the door just seems dramatically worse to deal with. Ugh is right. I'm sorry you're having such a rough week. I agree with Mer - can't wait to see the baby!!
