Tuesday, March 15, 2011

33 Weeks

That's right. I'm officially calling this the final countdown. I see the end in sight, and plus, it's just a great song (and video). Those guys have the best hair, and they are just so excited to be cranking out the rock on stage. With pyrotechnics! Maybe I can convince Josh to have pyrotechnics at the Bloob's birth.

I had a miserable week last week, and my birthday was mostly uneventful (except for the cards and gifts, which were awesome, thanks everyone!) so I'm happy to be moving on and looking toward the next 6 weeks. The baby ticker says some awesome stuff today - the Bloob is 5 lbs (which I can definitely feel, heavy) head down (whew, but also, ugh), and also only 49 days to go! I'm still feeling mostly really good, aside from the lingering congestion from the cold I had last week, and extreme tiredness. The most frustrating things at this point are difficulty sleeping (see: bloob = 5 lbs) and the bigger the baby gets, the more he/she is pushing on my stomach. I really can't believe how uncomfortable it makes me, and how very little food I can fit in there before I either have raging heartburn, or the food just wants to come back up. And it only gets worse if I sit down! Trying to take in 70 grams of protein a day, but only being able to eat about a cup of food at a time is really just impossible.
I'm not being ungrateful at all, because I know I have had a very easy and worry free pregnancy, but I cannot wait to go back to having normal relationship with food, and my body and comfortable sleep again.

I'm excited to get back on the sewing wagon this week. While I have been almost completely unproductive, Josh as done a serious amount of work! He put the legs on my ottoman, and it came out SO CUTE!

He also has finished framing the basement, the electrician finished running all the wiring, and then Josh put up the insulation/vapor barrier foil stuff. We went and bought the flooring, which is cork, and we're super excited about it. I think this is the one we picked, but it may be a shade lighter, I can't remember.
Cork is warm, and soft, but really durable and waterproof, so we think it's a great choice for the basement. It's also pretty eco-friendly, and not made with all of the bad chemicals that carpet is.

Here is the framing, now we just need sheetrock! This first one is the tv room and the first bedroom, which is getting french doors, so the light from the window can come through.

This is the short hallway, which leads to the bathroom and second room.

This is the second room, which the door is sleeping in right now, so shhh.

I did work on a couple of projects at some point in the last 2 weeks which I haven't posted yet. I've made a bunch of baby hats, mostly out of old t-shirts, and they are so easy and take like 5 minutes.

I also cranked out a bunch more nursing pads, diaper doublers and baby wipes.

We also went to the Deseret Industries thrift store the other day and acquired some cheap used baby clothes, and a bunch of coffee mugs for the bakery. We now have one drawer with clothes in it, which is fun to look at, because the clothes are so tiny. It looks like a lot, but I don't think it is - only 2 stacks are newborn size, then there is a stack of 3-6 mos and then larger than that. We also have a few blue items in there, but no pink! It's probably easier for girls to wear some blue than boys to wear pink I guess.

It's only 2 weeks until the baby shower, and we are so looking forward to everyone visiting. You know who is the most excited? STELLA! She can't wait for you all to throw her toy for her.


  1. I am coming Friday night and leaving Sunday morning. Yay!

  2. Oh Ali, I was waiting and waiting for your update! yay!

    Lisa, that picture of the drawer full of little clothes makes me so happy!

    And it looks like Josh did an awesome job on all that framing! I know (by living in a house where that has been done several times) that that is a LOT of work. Congratulations to him. :)

    I can't believe it's less than 50 days to go. Wow.
