Tuesday, November 9, 2010

15 weeks dudes!

Booyah! Doesn't really feel any different than last week though. I've been working away on the nursery, and I will post before and after pics tonight. It's been raining so much, it's been nice to have a good inside project to work on.
Also, I've been doing such a good job of eating relatively healthy food, but this week I screwed it all up. I had a coke. Okay, fine, I had two. Not in the same day though and oh, they were SO DELICIOUS and hit the spot. Then today, I had a boston creme doughnut. A vegan one of course, from voodoo doughnuts, so it was probably all food coloring and hydrogenated. But I wanted it SO BAD! To make myself feel better I bought Josh an apple fritter, so he wouldn't give me a dirty look for poisoning our baby with (delicious) doughnuts. My guilt is only mild though, since I watched enough 16 and Pregnant to know that you can have a perfectly healthy baby while subsisting only on McDonalds, pizza, and soda. I also learned from that show that if I was 16, I would be sitting around on the couch being bitchy all day and yelling at people, while my Mom did everything for me, although she would be complaining about it bitterly to the camera behind my back. Guess that's the drawback to having a baby at 34. Mom, why do you live so far, I have dishes for you to do, and laundry to be washed!

Do you see that pregnancy ticker up there? It says "Movements more coordinated, eyebrows and eyelashes appear". FREAKY! We have an appointment with the midwives again on Thursday, in the afternoon. This time I get blood drawn, and they are doing a test for Down Syndrome markers. Because of my age, there is a higher risk, but no one in either of our families has it, so hopefully that's a good sign. Plus I'm still banking on this Higgins' Magic Fertility, where you get pregnant in 1st try (or without trying, ha), bounce right through your pregnancy with a smile, and pop out a perfect adorable baby. Right Ali? Right Mom? I guess I'm the test to see if Ali was just lucky, or if its true.

We won't have another ultrasound until 20 weeks or so, and then we are hoping to make that the last one if everything is going well. Normally that would be when we find out the gender, but we're not gonna! I did read somewhere if you are craving lots of salty foods, its going to be a boy. Which I was, until that doughnut today.

We decided on names awhile ago, it wasn't really that hard, but lots of people say not to tell, so people don't convince you otherwise. But I'm telling you guys. If it's a girl, we chose Ada Elaine Kubisch, and for a boy, Arch Higgins Kubisch. I never would have thought that I'd want such family names, but I really like the idea of having your name connect to someone else.
Ada is no one's name, we just like it. But Elaine is my Mom, sister Ali, and niece Meredith's middle name. Arch is Josh's Dad's middle name and maybe someone else's in his family? I can't remember. Higgins is my last name, obviously, and I like it that Arch Higgins sounds like Art Higgins, my dad's name. Even though I'm keeping my last name, we're giving the kid Josh's. We didn't even fight over it! I just don't really care, and he does, so there you go.
I'm talkative today! This is what happens when I'm home alone all day. Only two days until Austin, can't wait to see everyone! Julie I'm going to make you try on my maternity jeans.


  1. Lisa,
    I love this one. You are talky!(and I like it)
    You sound in very good spirits. Yay.

  2. I looooove the baby names! Arch is perfect and so is Ada Elaine!

  3. Lisa, you sound really chipper in this post! must be the caffeine from those 2 lethal Cokes. :)
    Also: "I bought Josh an apple fritter, so he wouldn't give me a dirty look for poisoning our baby with (delicious) doughnuts." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Great name choices! I LOVE Ada, so now I REALLY hope it's a girl. And funny that both names you chose start with "A". Coincidence or on purpose?
    Bring on the elastic waistbands!!!
