Friday, November 26, 2010

Day off, finally.

Thanksgiving was awesome, and I really couldn't be much happier with how everything went at the bakery. We sold as much stuff as I felt like we could handle, our staffing situation was just about perfect, and everyone got along, worked hard, and seemed happy. Today, unfortunately, it caught up with me. I did so well when I just had to keep going, going, going, but now that I've slowed down, I'm exhausted and sore and cranky. I had to go in at 5am this morning again to finish up some non-Thanksgiving cakes, but was home again by 8am and in bed. I've been trying to just take it easy today, but as tired as I am, I just can't sit still!
My most wonderful friend Michelle (who cooked the best Thanksgiving dinner I've ever had last night) gave us a closet organizer that she used for Ruby when she was little. I put it up in the closet today and filled it with the few items we have. I'm happy to see we have lots of little blankets so far, I'm feeling like they will be immensely practical.

As to why there is a filing cabinet in the closet, you can feel free to call Josh and ask him, because I don't know.

I spent some time sewing today, in an effort to do something that required little exertion. I made a couple of burp cloths, from a simple tutorial at Prudent Baby. After seeing how much meredith used hers with Tripp, I've decided to make sure I have plenty. I made them with some scraps I had around, and they came out okay. I ended up feeling really frustrated with my sewing machine today, which is unusual. It just wouldn't stay threaded, and was sounding really clunky and balling up the bobbin thread a bunch.

This is my machine. I'me really attached to it, because it is one of the few things that has stayed with me though the 20 different places I've lived since high school.  Mom and Dad bought it for me when I graduated, I used Mom's ANCIENT machine all through high school, and then this one went off with me to college. It's been great to me, but Josh and I were having a conversation yesterday after I saw this machine online and said I liked it. He thinks I should think about getting a new one, since I've been sewing so much again, but I sort of feel like getting rid of what isn't broken is wrong. Maybe mine just needs to be cleaned and tuned up. But what if I had a new machine that was quiet, and had an auto thread cutter (dreamy!) and could even do embroidery?! But then, what if after the baby comes I don't have time to do much sewing? I do have a bakery to run too. But what if i'm sewing while the baby sleeps and the old machine is so loud? And so on and so on…

Anyway, as for the Bloob, he/she is making me feel crowded. My belly is pushing out and out and standing up from sitting is getting hard, and I can't eat a full meal because I feel like my stomach and the baby are so tightly packed in my belly that it just aches. Lesson learned with thanksgiving dinner yesterday. It's all okay though, because I think I've felt the Bloob moving a couple of times, but I'm not totally sure. The first time felt like little tiny karate kicks near my belly button, then further to the right, all within a couple minutes, and the second was more of a soft, brushing feeling below my belly button. Could have really easily been gas, or digestion though, it's pretty hard to tell. I'm still not quite ready to yell "The Quickening!" and run around freaking out. Soon though. Soon.


  1. Good to hear from you Lisa! Love the closet organizer. (and the green blanket on the rocker) Love you

  2. I love how you make the 'Quickening' sound like some religious event that requires running around screaming your head off. ;) I'm glad you are getting some sewing done...probably a good activity to take part in since you are feeling the effects after being too active the last couple of days. I'm sure the Bloob will be happy to spit up over all of the burp cloths you make. I'll keep working on some, too!
