Wednesday, January 12, 2011

24 Weeks

I'll start with the 24 week picture, which I took of myself, as usual. I tried a different location, approximately 90 degrees to the left of the previous location, where there is a solid colored wall. I also tried to get my face in the picture, and not chop myself off at the neck.

This is what I had to construct to hold the camera up high enough to make this happen. Those are Pringles all the way from Germany, that my friend Sam sent. They are paprika flavored, which basically just tastes like fake cheese. Delicious fake cheese. And that canister is empty, because we ate them all in like a minute.

Sam didn't just send Pringles, she sent us the most awesome package ever, which contained a completely hand stitched baby quilt! Look at the detail! I can't imagine hand stitching and quilting an entire quilt. She's amazing. I've been trying to go to Berlin for to years to visit her, and I just haven't been able to make it happen. Now I want to take the Bloob!

The curtain I ordered from Target came, and then I modified it, and I think it came out perfect for the closet in the nursery. I love the orange, and I found that fabric in the clearance bin at Fabric Depot, so I was stoked. 

I also decided that buying a big comfy glider chair was probably a waste of my money, and that I should use what we have, so I moved a comfy chair of Josh's into the room. I moved it by myself, and he reprimanded me when he got home. I'm trying to decide if I should slip cover it, because the colors in it are pretty blah. We'll see how much energy I have. We also hung one of the paintings that my friend Kurt did for me.

Also, I need to move that plant. Josh put it there, and it reminds me of a spider and creeps me out. Which is weird, because I'm not really scared of spiders. I think it's called a spider plant. Is that right?
Josh has almost finished the changing table. It has been too cold here for him to clean it up and paint and varnish it, but here is it's current state. I can't wait to see it all shined up and not covered in dust.

As for crafting, I found some non-wool felt at the store, made from recycled polycarbonate bottles. I made a pennant banner. This one is a gift, but I'm making another longer one to match the Bloob's room for sure.

I also made myself a pin cushion! I didn't have one, and found a tutorial for one online that was really simple. It came out so cute, and I feel like this picture looks like one of Josh's paintings. I'm gonna see if I can get him to paint a portrait of my pin cushion.

I think that's all I have for now. Oh, except to mention that since those two candy bars yesterday I have been eating non-stop. I think my appetite has finally arrived! I'm happy about that, and looking forward to a few weeks of eating the hell out of some food. Yay!


  1. Lisa!
    You look wonderful in the picture!!! Glad your head is in this one.
    The picture with the chair looks so relaxing and comfy! I love the closet curtain! The fabric is perfect.
    The pin cushion is cool, but what's up with the banner?

  2. I like the picture with your head in it! it's much better perspective! And wow...Sam did an amazing job on that quilt. hand stitched the whole thing? I can't even imagine the patience...

  3. Mom, the banner is just for decoration, it's kind of the cool thing to make right now in craft worlds.

  4. I love the picture of you too! You look radiant! All the crafting is making my head swim! I am such a wanna-be crafter!

    That quilt is stupendous! Sam is quite the talent, and paprika pringles.. swoon!

