Monday, January 3, 2011


Josh came home and was reading the blog over my shoulder, because he was worried I was making fun of him again. I don't consider that poop sweeper thing making fun, so I think I'm in the clear. He really had put the cord somewhere new. But he saw the title and said "Second Trimester almost over?!! NOOO!!!" and I asked why and he said "Because now it's going to get bad again. You're going to feel bad!" To which I replied, "I think it's already started, you haven't noticed I've been really cranky?" (Trick Question!) He sucked in a bunch of air and lifted up his shoulders and then shook his head really fast and said "Nooooo, I hadn't noticed." And then we both laughed really hard for a minute. He said he'd been practicing that answer in the mirror all day. Especially since I was really really grumpy this morning because I slept horribly, because he was SNORING SO LOUD all night.

Anyway, here is your 23 week belly picture!

And here is Josh toting his best friend Richard around the house. This is a common activity.

Here is a reversible bag I made for Julie, just for fun. Julie, that wasn't your christmas present, a different one is coming!

And I finally finished that quilt! I love it, it's so happy! I lined the back with turquoise flannel. So cozy.

I used the extra flannel to make an owl for baby Tripp. I got to use fusible interfacing for this, which was new for me.

This is my new favorite dog, JJ. She is a super sweet ball of energy! We did lots of snuggling in Utah.

When we got home, we finally rearranged the family room to turn it into a craft/art room, like we have been talking about for a couple of weeks. I LOVE having this giant table to work on, and it's tall so it doesn't hurt my back!  You can see my fancy new sewing machine here too!

We squished the tv into the corner, so it's like a tv cubicle now. Kind of weird, but it works okay.

And Josh gets a painting corner too. He likes it to be all crowded, so he can reach everything.

And last, but far from least, Josh's sister Krystal made us this super adorable pea pod for the baby. She crocheted it! I want it to be the first thing the baby goes in, I'm going to take it with us to the birthing center. It will be like one of those fancy white dresses that babies go home from the hospital in, but way cooler.

Josh's mom made us some stuff too, but I haven't taken pictures of it yet. That's the teaser for you, so you'll come back. If you're lucky I'll post a picture of the new nighttime nursing bra I just got too. I'll make Josh model it.


  1. Oh I love these pictures, Lisa and Josh! Glad you have an art space together!

  2. Oh man..I love all these pictures!
    1 - the quilt turned out great! Nice work..I love all the colors!
    2 - OH! it's a pea pod! I get it now. Super cute. :)
    3 - Richard's arm looks crazy long in that picture!
    4 - I'm jelus of that table for working on your sewing stuff. I wish I had that. Maybe I can set one up in the guest room. :)
    5 - your belly is nice!

  3. Are both Sherry comments from my mom? Confusing with two Sherrys!
    Thanks Jules, I wish you could some do some sewing with me.

  4. you are so prolific it's crazy! i love your arts & crafts corners.

  5. Oh my goodness! I can't believe you have so much energy! I'm tired just seeing all this stuff you've made! Those bags are WAY cool! I love the colors you are using for everything!

    The pea pod is super sweet. My mom calls my nieces and nephews her sweet peas :)

    I'm so excited to catch up with you, I kept checking and didn't see an update, but now I'm thinking it was because I didn't refresh my computer!
