Thursday, January 13, 2011

January Midwife Appointment

We went in to see the midwives today. Our midwife had a baby last week, so we won't see her for this visit or the next. We met another midwife this time, named Carrie, who we also liked a lot. Everything is going fine, I'm right on track for growth, and the bloob's heartbeat was loud and clear (and fast!). At this point, I'm supposed to be getting 80 grams of protein a day, which seems pretty daunting. We stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home and got some hemp protein powder so I can make smoothies and up my protein intake. We're trying to avoid too much soy, because I guess too much can be bad, but man I love soy. They said my uterus is right where it is supposed to be (18 inches? 25 inches? I can't remember now) and we can feel it, hard as a rock and stopping right above my belly button. I also have low risk for gestational diabetes, and no protein in my urine, so I think we are skipping the gross glucose test.

I'm pretty much ditching the Target registry, because they don't have much stuff we want, and I've added a whole bunch to the Baby Earth registry instead. They have pretty much everything, and shipping is free on orders over $45, which seems not too bad. I think there a few things we want from Babies R Us so I'm keeping that one open too. The links to the registries are on the right side of the page now.

Don't feel like you have to stick to that registry though, if you can find similar or same things somewhere else it's fine with me. Mary and Sherry and Krystal, I'm going to try to make a registry at Babinski's with similar stuff if that's easier for you guys. (They actually have the baby monitor I like, which Baby Earth doesn't.) Or you can just pick what you want, I trust your judgement! They also have such a great selection of trendy diaper bags, I bet I can even find one Josh would like.

Josh is making a lot of noise down in the basement, I'm going to go see what's going on.

1 comment:

  1. Hey on the adding protien to your diet front, I just made some FABULOUS Falafel. I'm pretty sure they're vegan. I put up the recipe and some pictures on my blog. They are packed FULL of protien, and made with garbanzos instead of soy or whatever. I'm sure you know all about them, but this is my first time making them, and they were just divine! Even without the sauce. Here's the link to the recipe (with pictures!)

    Glad you didn't have to take that glucose test, they do suck.

    XOXO, Char
