Monday, January 3, 2011

23 weeks. Second Trimester is almost over!

It was a hectic December, and I have to admit, I'm glad it's all over and there is no more traveling in my near future. Although, after all of that flying, I got a free ticket on Southwest, which I will be hoarding until I am ready to go somewhere warm, and I'll be leaving the baby with a set of Grandparents! I have a bunch of pictures to publish, but Josh always cleans everything up (I picture him running behind me sometimes like the little poop sweeper at parades. Is that gross?) and he put the cord for the camera away, and I don't know where it is. When he gets home I'll post them all. Although, I didn't take a single picture in New Orleans, and only took pictures of the dogs in Utah. Ha!

Now that we are at 23 weeks the Bloob is dancing up a storm for a good part of the day. Usually after I eat there is quite an uptick in kicks and punches, and when I put dance music on, like Ke$ha, or that G6 song. The other night I could see my belly move as the Bloob kicked! Feeling it still kind of feels like gas bubbles, but seeing it was weird and REAL for me, I got teary for a second.

I also finally feel like I have enough maternity clothes. I have layers and layers, which have been awesome since it has barely gotten above freezing here all week. My coat is getting a little funny around the belly, but it works. Mom sent me an awesome hoodie (!!) for christmas, and a few more shirts, and when I was in Utah Josh's Grandma (Mary) bought me a swimsuit for the prenatal swim class. I'm ready for Julie to be pregnant now so I can pass along all of these great clothes when I'm done, it seems so sad to not be able to wear them anymore.

While I was gone for 2 (or 3? I can't remember) weeks, everyone in my yoga class gave birth. They were almost all due around Christmas, and when I went to class today, there were 4 of us left, out of 10 or 12! It was kind of sad. One of the other ladies is due in the next couple of weeks, so we'll be down to three. I hope more people start coming, I love hearing about how everyone else's pregnancy and lives are going. It really helped to make me feel not so alone. All three other ladies in there now have other kids between the ages of 2-3 years old, so they talk a lot about that. I miss the ladies with the same first time excitement and cluelessness as me.

I'm going to save everything else for when I can post pictures tonight. It sure was nice to see all of you guys in December! I'm looking forward to when you all come here soon!


  1. Warm! Alright! That means me!!!!

  2. Hey, it gets hot as hell in OK. 110 degrees in the summer!

  3. We were thinking hawaii, but you guys do all live in warm places! Maybe I'll institute a lottery system for who gets the baby. Or let's just all go to hawaii, and we can take turns!
