Thursday, April 14, 2011

19 days to go

Josh came home early yesterday and we headed to our appointment. We were both pretty grumpy, me because of a poor night of sleep and general discomfort, and Josh, who is almost never grumpy, was hungry and taking on my grumpiness.
It sounds like everything I'm feeling is just normal "last few weeks" discomfort. The swollen legs, the painful crotch area, the shortness of breath and intense hunger while being unable to eat more than a few bites at a time - all normal. I don't have very high hopes that the baby will be early, so it looks like 2-3 more weeks of this fun time! Otherwise, everything is fine and normal, and Lucina even said "You have a good sized baby in here. Don't let anyone say vegans can't build good babies!"
The Bloob kicked them a bunch while they (Lucina and her assistant) were feeling around to check the baby's positioning. They said he/she is head down, nice and low, and only slightly posterior, so I need to spend some time in cat/cow pose to pull the spine forward. I do that at yoga, but I'm going to start doing it nightly at home too. It really feels the best right now anyway, it relieves some of the baby weight from my back for awhile.
I started packing my bag for the birth, so I've made some small amount of progress. Josh is feeling very high stress about getting the basement done in time (also contributing to the grumpiness, I think). He has been traveling both last week and this week, and it seems like being away from home is seriously frustrating his nesting urges right now. Today is his last day of being out of town, so hopefully he can get stuff done soon. Plus, neither of us love him being an hour and a half away at this point.

It seems as if I may have really lost our camera. It is nowhere to be found, and Josh is being nice about it, but we have only had it for 6 months or so. I feel really bad about losing it. I'm going to dig my old one out today to take some basement pictures and maybe another belly picture, and then do one last thorough house search for the missing one. I searched all over at work yesterday with no luck. We'll need to get a replacement before the Bloob comes I guess. What a pain!

I made myself a to-do list today, hoping that I can muster enough energy to get a few things done.
1. Laundry
2. Dishes (done!)
3. Vacuum
4. Grocery shopping (trader joe's AND fred meyer… we'll see if that happens.)
5. Clean up sewing table

I don't know if I can actually vacuum, because the vacuum cleaner is HEAVY. The Dyson beast that Josh has is no 7 lb Oreck like I used to have. And I wish I could just pay someone to do the grocery shopping for me. I think I need to keep moving though, even if I'm moving slowly!


  1. I reiterate..I love Fred Meyer so I would totally do that AND the vacuuming for you if I was there. Dishes? meh.

    I hope you find the to have to buy another one!

  2. Lisa, How weird is it we both lost our cameras at the bakery??? I still am holding out hope you find it.
    Glad your appt went well. I'm smiling thinking about that baby in there....
