Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hurry Up Bloob

Oh my god, I'm ready for this baby to come out. I know we still have the possibility of 3 or 4 weeks to go, but I'd happily settle for anytime next week. The Bloob just keeps dropping lower, which is good, but means that I have lots of pressure on my cervix, and also on my rectum, which gives this awkward sensation of kind of having to poop all the time, even though I don't. The things no one tells you!

We had 49 straight days of rain here, which has been making everyone crazy. It's been a tough spring. Today is our first day of sun in a month and a half! I got up this morning so excited about it, I grabbed the camera and took a picture of outside.

Then I made biscuits and gravy and veggie sausage for breakfast, in the sunlight! I love making biscuits, and I was thinking about getting to teach the Bloob to make them someday.

They were delicious, as usual, and Josh thoroughly enjoyed them, and ate too much, and then complained again about how he is getting fat. I told him that I am also fat (190 lbs, what?!?!) and that he can just shut up about it. I mean seriously, look at those scrawny shoulders.

We have spent a nice weekend at home getting stuff done, mostly basement related. The floor is DONE, except for several coats of polyurethane, which Josh will do during the evenings this week. The coats have to dry for 24 hours between each one, so that will work out fine. He also hung all of the light fixtures this morning, which helps it all look a little more finished. Choosing light fixtures was actually surprisingly difficult. At this point we couldn't really afford to buy the ones we want, and the cheap ones are really pretty unattractive, or just not our style. So, we splurged on one from Ikea for the front bedroom, and the rest are just cheaper, boring ones.

I bought myself a used Boppy nursing pillow at a resale thing the other day, and I made a new cover for it a few days ago. The cover that came with it was actually in good shape, but it had police cars and fire trucks all over it. I think I'm being snobby, but I can't understand why something made for ME to use has to have a dumb kid's print on it. I don't want to look at police cars every time I nurse the baby. So I made a more stylish one. I still need to put velcro on the back closure, but I'm happy with how it came out! I made it with different fabrics on each side.

We moved Richard's food back to the old spot, now that the basement dust has died down. I can't wait for the litter box to go back downstairs too. Even though I know he knows where the food is, because he ate it all last night while we were asleep, he was very adamant this morning that he didn't know where it was. It's a small brain in that little head. This was him telling me that he was upset about the situation.

I also promised a belly picture, so here it is. I feel very frumpy, and have started only wearing yoga pants around the house, but nothing else is comfortable at this point. Also, I cut my head off again sorry. I'm going to try to head outside into the sun and do some weeding in the yard now. Yay!


  1. Lisa, You captured Richard perfectly! I laughed out loud at his pict.
    You and Josh both look very cute too. Once the baby is out you are going to look normal, cause nothing else looks very different!(Except maybe your boobs!)
    The floor looks amazing. Can't wait to see it in person. I hope I can make the biscuits even 1/2 as good as you do. Keep up the writing. You do such a good job.

  2. Dude! Your belly is AWESOME! I love it. I know you don't really love it right now, but that's OK, because I'm loving it enough for the both of us.
    Also - really nice job on the boppy cover. Did you find a pattern online for it, or just eyeball it? That looks like an amazing fit!
    I agree with Mom -I LOLed at the picture of Richard. Man, he's cute. :)

    I'm glad you finally got some sun - that was a long time coming! Those biz-kits look really good - I bet I would like to make those a lot, too. (nudge, nudge)
