Tuesday, April 12, 2011

37 weeks

I haven't had much time for blogging! I've started extreme nesting, only it's not happening at home, it's happening at work. I've been spending the last week trying to finalize every last detail and prepare for a staff meeting and just get everyone settled and ready for me to be gone. It's a surprising amount of work! Turns out, I do the job of 4 people. Or maybe 3. Or 3.5. I'm really not sure how long I will need, or want, to be away from work, so I'm planning for a month for sure, and making sure that if something comes up, it can be longer than that.

I misplaced our camera (it's somewhere around here…) so I don't have any pictures to post, but the basement is very close to being livable. Sheetrock and paint are done, subfloor is down, and now we just need to put up doors and lay the cork floor, which I can happily help with! Josh is getting a little stressed about it, since the Bloob could really come at any time now, but I think we'll be fine.

This last part of the pregnancy has been the most interesting - the baby is so big and solid, and it's weird knowing that he/she could be fine on his/her own now. Still lots of hiccuping and poking elbows and knees and feet. I'm still feeling really good - full of energy and motivation one minute and ready for a nap the next. Eating is kind of a pain, I can barely fit any food in my stomach and when I do, it gets hard to breathe. It's all so crowded. But I'm mentally really food focused and just want food constantly!

I've also managed to pack the baby's bag for the trip to the birthing center, but can't get around to packing mine. Seems overwhelming for some reason.

We also took our first birthing class on Saturday, which was taught by my prenatal yoga teacher. It was really fun, and it made us both excited about the whole thing. We should probably be more scared, but I think we both feel pretty confident that we can handle whatever comes our way. We have another class this Saturday at the birthing center. And we have another midwife appointment with Lucina tomorrow! I'll check in again after that.


  1. Glad you are doing so well Lisa! Thanks for the update.

  2. My recommendation is to take a good book to the birthing center. You never know when there might be a lot of waiting around and boredom, and you'll want to read some. Ha. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

