Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Can I post the Final Countdown video again?

Ugh. I knew these last couple weeks were going to be the hardest, but UGH! I eat, I get heartburn. I don't eat, I get dizzy and weak, and I still get heartburn. I  want to exercise, but when I do I want to stop. I want to lie down, but when I do my pelvic pain gets so bad I have to get up and move around again. No wonder people try all kinds of crazy things to start labor!

Josh brought me flowers the other day, which was very sweet. Tulips are my favorite, and these are such a pretty color!

We did set up the bed in the basement bedroom the other day. It's my bed, you know, from back in my single days, and it's way more modern than Josh's style, but makes the basement space feel very clean and modern! I can't lift or bend at all really, so I mostly stood around and gave instructions while Josh put it all together. Then we laid down on the bed and Richard sat in the windowsill and Stella laid on her little rug at the foot of the bed. It was nice.

I mad this pillow for the bed yesterday. I made some quick curtains today, but I have to go get a tension rod today so I can hang them. And then…. I think we're ready.

We have a midwife appointment today at 3pm, where we will once again probably find out very little except that we just need to keep waiting.


  1. Oh man - it looks so awesome down there! You guys did such a good job all around. Thumbs up. :)

  2. Yes! It looks beautiful. I can't wait to see it in person. Lis, I'm sorry you are miserable. Hopefully it won't be too much longer...

  3. you two blow my mind! the basement looks AMAZING!!! i'm coming to spend the night. xo
