Wednesday, September 8, 2010

5 weeks?

I'm really close to my family, and it feels really awful to have to keep being pregnant a secret from them right now. So I'm keeping this blog so they can know how it went these first 2 months, and keep up with how it's going once I finally get to tell. I've struggled a lot with the notion of keeping things a secret for a couple of months, it seems like this is a time when I could use a lot of family support since this is all very new and slightly scary. We decided we will tell them after 8 weeks, and tell friends and employees after 12 weeks.
I haven't been to see a doctor yet, but I think I'm at about 5 weeks pregnant right now. I had my IUD removed, had an awful heavy, scary period, then got pregnant two weeks later. I was kind of hoping for it to be a month later than it was, but this is pretty much the story of my family's fertility. We were born to breed. I took a couple of pregnancy tests that were negative, but I guess they were just too early. One night I couldn't sleep, so I got up to watch some tv at 4am. As I was sitting there I realized I had been peeing every 15 minutes all week, and that my boobs were really sore, in a much more sensitive way than if my period was coming. I waited until 6am when Josh's alarm went off, and went in the bedroom to tell him. Took a test and it was positive! Thought the moment would be more exciting, but we were both kind of shell shocked. We hugged and looked at each other and said "now what?". It took until later in the day for both of us to get more excited, and less scared.

In the 2 weeks since then, I've been mostly just really hungry. My breasts are sore, but not every day, and not miserable. My sense of smell is intense, and going to work is crazy, because I can smell everything at the bakery. Also, when I'm a little sweaty I can smell it and I've been worried everyone else can smell me, but I think it's just me. I should shower more. No nausea, and only one day of serious tiredness so far, but it could also be from that weekend of making and delivering 5 wedding cakes!

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